I've been watching some of Sam Zeloof's DIY IC vid...
# general
I've been watching some of Sam Zeloof's DIY IC videos on YouTube and it got my brain turning about taking some of those garage processes and turning it into more of a semi-pro project. Does anyone here have any ideas on how I could start pricing out what it would take to do something like that? For instance, I'm talking about finding 10um process node equipment from the 70s as opposed to anything approaching 130nm or smaller. Feel free to DM if this is off topic for #general
At Libresilicon Association we are doing exactly this. Feel free to join!
Our initial target is a 1um process
@User: A good person to contact is Andreas Andreou at Johns Hopkins University. He built out a small fabrication laboratory 25 or so years ago with all used equipment obtained on the cheap. I think it was probably good for around 10um, which is a good target if you don't want to install lots of HVAC equipment to get a decent clean room. I'm sure there are others who have done similar things, but Andreas' lab is the one I happen to know about. I think the main thing is to find out where to go to get 2nd-hand equipment at auction.
Thank you both for your replies. @User how can I learn more about the Libre Silicon Association and how to get involved? @User this sounds close to my idea. Is Andres Andreou in this Slack or do you have a way I could contact him for some questions?