```export PDK_ROOT=<pdk-installation-path>``...
# general
Copy code
export PDK_ROOT=<pdk-installation-path>
In above command what is this path? like which path I can use here to make it work correctly
PDK_ROOT is a path which contains open_pdks, sky130A and skywater-pdk. If you're using OpenLane flow, path is OpenLane/pdks. Else create your own custom path and point to PDK_ROOT
If you're running
make pdk
then it can be wherever you want the pdk to be build (I set the path to be
. If you've already built and are running another command then it should be the path to the built pdks
I'm running caravel flow example and I getting this error at make verify-io_ports comand @User @User Kindly guide where I'm doing misktake
check Makefile line:38
have you set CARAVEL_ROOT?
I'm following the instructions through caravel user project for sample project and I'm doing all steps but at this comand I'm getting error
CARAVEL_ROOT I did not set manually
Do I have to set it? Like it's not taken care through make install comand?
if not set, do with
Copy code
export CARAVEL_ROOT= <path to caravel dir>
I have set but still not working
I have studies and I'm following same steps
You shouldn't need to run any of the commands as root but that's probably not the issue.
rm -rf $PDK_ROOT
make clean
to try to reset everything and then try
make pdk