I saw james has a similar patch
# openroad
I saw james has a similar patch
@20Mhz where do you the patch? was that enough or did you have to include your changes. Do you have a public repo with this?
sorry in a call
https://github.com/The-OpenROAD-Project/OpenROAD/commit/fb9f36ac477e39dfe7e8bdab1988613aca41d180 See patch from james on Resizer.cc:969 I’m still waiting to hear on our policy/guidelines towards open source EDA, so I’m staying away from public repositories
why is the issue still there if there is a patch?
good question, what is your log file saying, do you have the stack trace?
I should mention I haven’t tested james patch, I thought “if (!net) continue” made sense because the cell replication should get skip during oposite sense fixing and then gets addressed during proper sense replication. I’m also thinking you will hit same issue if you add single output spares