Anyone here know if there is a web-based openroad ...
# openroad
Anyone here know if there is a web-based openroad flow by any chance?
I'm not sure notifying 120 people in the channel is the best way to ask the question.
Apologies. Edited it, though it may be too late. Who specifically might know the answer?
I don't know. However, this is an openroad channel about skywater-pdk, so it probably isn't a great place. You can see it hasn't been very active. I'd check directly with the openroad project.
Openroad project channel? I tried to search but came up with nothing. Mind sharing the channel name?
The openroad project via their web page or git repo. I don't know of a channel either
Their README probably has more info
👍 1
Isee that is what I suspected you meant initially
@selamu said there is no web based OR-flow afaik.
@selamu said OpenLANE has one on the work. We lost the intern who was helping setting it up. So, it is kinda on hold. However, it is like 90% done.