Hi <@U018LA3KZCJ> and all, I couldn’t pass the Glo...
# openroad
Hi @User and all, I couldn’t pass the Global Placement for our eFPGA design which stuck at
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Placing Inst_eFPGA.Tile_X9Y8_RAM_IO
Placing Inst_eFPGA.Tile_X9Y9_RAM_IO
Successfully placed 138 instances
[INFO GPL-0002] DBU: 1000
[INFO GPL-0003] SiteSize: 460 2720
[INFO GPL-0004] CoreAreaLxLy: 5520 10880
[INFO GPL-0005] CoreAreaUxUy: 3194240 3587680
[INFO GPL-0006] NumInstances: 70898
[INFO GPL-0007] NumPlaceInstances: 2822
[INFO GPL-0008] NumFixedInstances: 55740
[INFO GPL-0009] NumDummyInstances: 12336
[INFO GPL-0010] NumNets: 31696
[INFO GPL-0011] NumPins: 67045
[INFO GPL-0012] DieAreaLxLy: 0 0
[INFO GPL-0013] DieAreaUxUy: 3200000 3600000
[INFO GPL-0014] CoreAreaLxLy: 5520 10880
[INFO GPL-0015] CoreAreaUxUy: 3194240 3587680
[INFO GPL-0016] CoreArea: 11405413696000
[INFO GPL-0017] NonPlaceInstsArea: 7901419051300
[INFO GPL-0018] PlaceInstsArea: 30691936000
[INFO GPL-0019] Util(%): 0.88
[INFO GPL-0020] StdInstsArea: 30691936000
[INFO GPL-0021] MacroInstsArea: 0
[InitialPlace]  Iter: 1 CG Error: 0.00208041 HPWL: 21196105310
[InitialPlace]  Iter: 2 CG Error: 0.00091308 HPWL: 21162674343
[InitialPlace]  Iter: 3 CG Error: 0.00037039 HPWL: 20843645888
[InitialPlace]  Iter: 4 CG Error: 0.00008030 HPWL: 20558601835
[InitialPlace]  Iter: 5 CG Error: 0.00004696 HPWL: 20420597739
[InitialPlace]  Iter: 6 CG Error: 0.00004526 HPWL: 20388830846
[InitialPlace]  Iter: 7 CG Error: 0.00003559 HPWL: 20378814865
[InitialPlace]  Iter: 8 CG Error: 0.00003044 HPWL: 20372391763
[InitialPlace]  Iter: 9 CG Error: 0.00005220 HPWL: 20368463074
[InitialPlace]  Iter: 10 CG Error: 0.00002006 HPWL: 20367796117
[InitialPlace]  Iter: 11 CG Error: 0.00002991 HPWL: 20367532875
[InitialPlace]  Iter: 12 CG Error: 0.00002805 HPWL: 20366412805
[InitialPlace]  Iter: 13 CG Error: 0.00001094 HPWL: 20366153170
[InitialPlace]  Iter: 14 CG Error: 0.00001320 HPWL: 20365761937
[InitialPlace]  Iter: 15 CG Error: 0.00001909 HPWL: 20365357198
[InitialPlace]  Iter: 16 CG Error: 0.00000529 HPWL: 20365030698
[INFO GPL-0031] FillerInit: NumGCells: 180237
[INFO GPL-0032] FillerInit: NumGNets: 31696
[INFO GPL-0033] FillerInit: NumGPins: 67045
[INFO GPL-0023] TargetDensity: 0.55
[INFO GPL-0024] AveragePlaceInstArea: 10875951
[INFO GPL-0025] IdealBinArea: 19774456
[INFO GPL-0026] IdealBinCnt: 576775
[INFO GPL-0027] TotalBinArea: 11405413696000
[INFO GPL-0028] BinCnt: 512 512
[INFO GPL-0029] BinSize: 6228 6986
[INFO GPL-0030] NumBins: 262144
[NesterovSolve] Iter: 1 overflow: 2.03612 HPWL: 1226425097
[NesterovSolve] Iter: 2210 overflow: 1.14712 HPWL: 1900589116
[NesterovSolve] Iter: 2220 overflow: 1.15509 HPWL: 1901636738
[ERROR GPL-0305] RePlAce diverged at newStepLength.
Error: or_replace.tcl, 94 GPL-0305
I’m sure that the DIE_AREA is much bigger than the core area. Any suggestions to get it through? Thanks
@Vijayan Krishnan I’ve changed the DIE_AREA to much bigger but doesn’t help? Is there any other option should I try?
try with DENSITY value. if not helping share the test case to reproduce at our end
can you suggest the number? should I increase or decrease it? the default is 0.55
0.45, .65 like that test it with different variable
the overflow reduces with lower density but still errors with density = 0.3, 0.2 or 0.65?
Copy code
[INFO GPL-0002] DBU: 1000
[INFO GPL-0003] SiteSize: 460 2720
[INFO GPL-0004] CoreAreaLxLy: 5520 10880
[INFO GPL-0005] CoreAreaUxUy: 3194240 3587680
[INFO GPL-0006] NumInstances: 70898
[INFO GPL-0007] NumPlaceInstances: 2822
[INFO GPL-0008] NumFixedInstances: 55740
[INFO GPL-0009] NumDummyInstances: 12336
[INFO GPL-0010] NumNets: 31696
[INFO GPL-0011] NumPins: 67045
[INFO GPL-0012] DieAreaLxLy: 0 0
[INFO GPL-0013] DieAreaUxUy: 3200000 3600000
[INFO GPL-0014] CoreAreaLxLy: 5520 10880
[INFO GPL-0015] CoreAreaUxUy: 3194240 3587680
[INFO GPL-0016] CoreArea: 11405413696000
[INFO GPL-0017] NonPlaceInstsArea: 7901419051300
[INFO GPL-0018] PlaceInstsArea: 30691936000
[INFO GPL-0019] Util(%): 0.88
[INFO GPL-0020] StdInstsArea: 30691936000
[INFO GPL-0021] MacroInstsArea: 0
[InitialPlace]  Iter: 1 CG Error: 0.00208041 HPWL: 21196105310
[InitialPlace]  Iter: 16 CG Error: 0.00000529 HPWL: 20365030698
[INFO GPL-0031] FillerInit: NumGCells: 65509
[INFO GPL-0032] FillerInit: NumGNets: 31696
[INFO GPL-0033] FillerInit: NumGPins: 67045
[INFO GPL-0023] TargetDensity: 0.20
[INFO GPL-0024] AveragePlaceInstArea: 10875951
[INFO GPL-0025] IdealBinArea: 54379756
[INFO GPL-0026] IdealBinCnt: 209736
[INFO GPL-0027] TotalBinArea: 11405413696000
[INFO GPL-0028] BinCnt: 256 256
[INFO GPL-0029] BinSize: 12456 13972
[INFO GPL-0030] NumBins: 65536
[NesterovSolve] Iter: 2180 overflow: 0.460305 HPWL: 2615970220
[NesterovSolve] Iter: 2190 overflow: 0.467028 HPWL: 2618637487
[ERROR GPL-0305] RePlAce diverged at newStepLength.
Error: or_replace.tcl, 94 GPL-0305
If you have macros you might adjust the channel width & halo to be larger. Otherwise a test case is needed
Hi @Matt Liberty I tried with halo = 50um and bigger the channel width but still got error. I’ve reported and upload the test case on GitHub, please have a look. Thanks
@Nguyen Dao would you put a link to the issue with the test case