Is there a way in sta / openroad to ignore a timin...
# openroad
Is there a way in sta / openroad to ignore a timing path that goes through two particular instances? In our multiproject chip no two project can be active at the same time, so I would want to ignore paths that include projectA AND projectB for example
set_false_path is the SDC command that you want to add
I believe it has a "through" option, but I'm not sure about two instances. You can do from and to as well.
yes, I'm going to try different options of set_false_path. What I've just tried and it seems it supports (at least it didn't complain) is
set_false_path -through instance_a -through instance_b
It seems to work and it seems the order matters:
set_false_path -through instance_a -through instance_b
just ignores paths that goes first through instance_a and then instance_b and not the other way around
👍 1
yes order matters