Hi everyone, hope you are doing ok. I am trying to...
# gf180mcu
Hi everyone, hope you are doing ok. I am trying to run a dc simulation for the nmos_3p3 device to check that the gf180mcuC has been installed ok. I had experience with sky130 and I tried to replicate the same script to get the Id vs Vds and Id vs Vgs nmos curves. However I have some issues with the model. Does any one knows the correct way to call the model in the simulation tb? I think the error is there. Follows the images of the schematic, the simulation tb and the error. Thanks in advance for any help.
The gf180mcu pdk does not have a SCALE=1e-6 as it is for sky130. Use W=10u and L=1u instead of W=10 and L=1
ANother thing to note, your gf180mcu installation is a bit old? the
transistor and the spice model is now renamed to
. Use the device symbols from