<@U016EM8L91B> I have an issue with the drc engine...
# magic
@Tim Edwards I have an issue with the drc engine of magic, at least since version Magic 8.3 revision 368: When I run it with "magic -dnull -rcfile magic-commands.tcl -noconsole -T $tech " it works. But when I run it with "cat magic-commands.tcl |magic -dnull -noconsole -T $tech" the DRC engine does not find any DRC errors. The commands I am doing: select top cell drc on drc check drc catchup drc listall catchup drc count total
@Philipp Gühring This may not be much help, but in the second version, you are not specifying an rcfile, so I’m guessing magic tries to read a default magicrc file. Does
Copy code
cat magic-commands.tcl | magic -dnull -noconsole -norcfile -T $tech"
give the same results? There might be a (slightly) helpful message if you compare the output logs. In your first (working) version, do you have to manually exit magic after DRC finishes?
🌍 1
The -norcfile does not help.
🙁 1
Did you try adding a semicolon and backslash to each line, making it effectively a one-line command?
Copy code
drc on ;\
drc check ;\
drc catchup ;\
drc listall catchup ;\
drc count total
Just tried that, semicolons don't help, and even having it all just in one line doesn't help