hello everyone. I'm installing openROAD (to use it...
# sky130
hello everyone. I'm installing openROAD (to use it with sky130) but i got those warnings. I'd like to know if it's necessary to solve them and how to do it. thank you all for your time.
The message means that these libraries exist in both your system library path and in the library path supplied by anaconda, and the anaconda ones have higher priority. Since this situation may cause issues further down the road, cmake is warning you about it.
If I were you, I would use the openroad docker image instead
i see
so... it could be a problem as i could not... it depends on the library compatibility... i suppose it shouldn't be so problematic, should it?
sorry, i'm new... how can i get a openROAD docker imagen?
i have sky130 installed on my distro, will i have to install all sky130 and everything else on a docker imagen too?
Me saying "openroad docker image" was a bit of a mistake -- what you can use is the openlane docker image, which comes with a variety of openroad tools preinstalled, and a ready-made flow you can use
oh, i see. thanks!
No problem!
FYI, you can take see an example of the openlane docker image being used in the github workflow for the caravel_user_project template: https://github.com/efabless/caravel_user_project/blob/main/.github/workflows/user_project_ci.yml
i would like to ask you something more if you don't have problem i have just finished solving possible test issues on OpenROAD installation, but i have some warnings on the test 11 that i'd like to know it could be a problem that needs to be solve.
here you have the log file
I dunno, the errors look scary, but the end result is a pass. I'm not really familiar with building openroad myself, so, if what you want really is openroad (and not openlane), perhaps #openroad may be the place to ask
well i was doing this before i asked there. hehe i haven't tried neither operoad neither openlane
but thanks for the information about openlane. i think i'm going to try it too
If you don't mind me asking, what are you planning to do?
i'm trying to do a project for a university subject: introduction to VLSI
Digital or analog?
Ah, openlane will be easier to you, then. It provides a complete flow from verilog to GDS2
maybe i should start installing it
It might also be best to familiarize yourself with using yosys for synthesis, since it's what the openroad ecosystem uses, and you'll probably need to separately synthesize your design using yosys to debug your rtl or, at least, be able to parse yosys' output
yes, i have to use yosys for synthesis
If you haven't installed it, using the https://github.com/YosysHQ/oss-cad-suite-build distribution is probably the easiest way
Just source the environment script in the distribution's root directory, and you're good to go as far as yosys and friends are concerned
...Just make sure your professor actually allows you to use openlane
(because part of the point of their assignment may be getting all the tools to work together by yourself)
yeah, that yosys is the one i'm going to install right now
yes, i'll ask my profesor about openlane
yeah, my profesor talks about using openroad. but if openlane is almost the same but easier, maybe there won't be any problem
but that's why i'm trying to install openroad first in case my profesor don't allow me to use openlane for this subject
If they want you to use openroad, there's probably a reason for that. Good on you for planning to ask!
thank you so much!
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