Last 12 hrs - DC Synthesis/STA and Openlane PD cur...
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Last 12 hrs - DC Synthesis/STA and Openlane PD curriculum using Sky130 Here's the curriculum for Synopsys DC Synthesis/STA workshop (Registration closes in 12 hours - Link : ) Day 1 : Introduction to Logic Synthesis • Introduction to Design Compiler • what is Logic Synthesis , • What is netlist , libraries , • TCL Quick refresher • What is DC and how to launch DC , • What are the inputs needed to load the design in DC , • Loading a basic design in DC , • Writing out a basic NL and DDC Day 2: Basics of STA • Basics of STA , • Delays • Timing Arcs • Constraining the Design • What is STA , setup , hold quick recap . • What are constraints • Constraining the Reg2Reg , Reg2IO , IO2Reg Paths • Input transition and OutputLoad and its effects on IO delays. Day 3: Advanced Constraints • Clock Skew and Clock Jitter, its modelling in DC • Writing SDCs [Synopsys Design Constraints] • Creating Clocks • Querying Cells • Specifying IO Delays • Specifying Clock Waveforms • Generated Clocks • Multi Clock Design • False Paths Day 4: Optimizations • Optimizations in Synthesis • Combinational Logic Optimization • Boolean Reduction • Constant Propagation • Synthesis Directives • Synopsys full_case • Synopsys parallel_case • Sequential Logic Optimization • Sequential Constant • Retiming / Pipelining Day5 : Quality checks • Checking Netlist Quality and Generating Reports • Generating Timing Reports • max_paths • nworst • Boundary Optimizations • check_design • check_timing • HFN (High Fanout Nets) Here's the curriculum for OpenLANE Physical design workshop (Registration closes in 12 hours - Link : ) Day1 – Inception of open-source EDA, OpenLANE and Sky130 PDK • How to talk to computers • SoC design and OpenLANE • Starting RISC-V SoC Reference design • Get familiar to open-source EDA tools Day 2 - Understand importance of good floorplan vs bad floorplan and introduction to library cells • Chip Floor planning considerations • Library Binding and Placement • Cell design and characterization flows • General timing characterization parameters Day 3 - Design and characterize one library cell using Magic Layout tool and ngspice • Labs for CMOS inverter ngspice simulations • Inception of Layout – CMOS fabrication process • Sky130 Tech File Labs Day 4 - Pre-layout timing analysis and importance of good clock tree • Timing modelling using delay tables • Timing analysis with ideal clocks using openSTA • Clock tree synthesis TritonCTS and signal integrity • Timing analysis with real clocks using openSTA Day 5 - Final steps for RTL2GDS • Routing and design rule check (DRC) • PNR interactive flow tutorial All the best and happy learning