VSDOpen2021 Tutorial 3 - Most Exciting - Bandgap T...
# general
VSDOpen2021 Tutorial 3 - Most Exciting - Bandgap Tapeout using Sky130 Now here's a 2-day tutorial which is both for freshers and professionals Why freshers? Bandgap IP design is the most basic one, if you want to learn and excel in Analog Design Why professionals? Non-Analog professionals would love the way the content has been structured, thereby, enabling curious physical designers, STA engineers to see how an IP looks like This time VSDOpen2021 third tutorial invites everyone and anyone who wants to learn about analog IP design from scratch and learn from Bandgap expert Dr. Saroj Rout, Adjunct. Prof. and Asst. Prof. Santunu Sarangi from Silicon Institute of Technology Analog Design Experts - Feel free to join to encourage freshers and look at our internship cum workshop model Overview: This course will be an in-depth introduction to Bandgap Reference (BGR) design and layout using open-source EDA tools (ngspice & Magic) and Google’s Skywater 130nm (SKY130) open-source process design kit (PDK). The course will focus on intuitive understanding of the concepts involved in designing a BGR with real-world specifications and complete hands-on practice using the open-source EDA tools. During the 100 min course, the participant will start with the basic principles of BGR circuit, design, simulate and layout a complete industry-grade BGR – all of that in just 100 mins! Course Curriculum: Day 1 – BGR Theory and Lab setup • Why temperature-independent voltage/current references for ICs • Realization of BGR voltage reference. • Circuit realization of a self-biased BGR and introduction to PTAT/CTAT current source Day 2 – BGR Labs and post-layout simulations • BGR components circuit simulations • Steps to combine BGR sub-circuits and BGR full design simulation • Post Layout simulations • Steps to combine layouts Features - Low cost ($25), 2-day, cloud lab based workshop Timings - You can login at your own convenient time during 24-hrs duration of the workshop and start with lectures/labs at your own pace Workshop Start date - 20th October, 11:59pm IST Workshop End date - 22nd October, 11:59pm IST Registration link- Indian Participants- https://pages.razorpay.com/bandgapinr International Participants- https://pages.razorpay.com/bandgapdollar All the best and happy learning