```.subckt NAND2XL Y B A M1000 gnd B a_110_115# gn...
# osu
Copy code
.subckt NAND2XL Y B A
M1000 gnd B a_110_115# gnd nshort w=0.74u l=0.15u
M1001 a_110_115# A Y gnd nshort w=0.74u l=0.15u
M1002 vdd B Y vdd pshort w=2u l=0.15u
M1003 Y A vdd vdd pshort w=2u l=0.15u
This is the original netlist for that cell. It seems that the automatic parsing script that generated that spice file cut off one of the terminals. In general, I would not use that
folder. Like I mentioned earlier, there seems to have been some repository merging/transferring artifacts, because both repositories do not currently contain what I would expect them to. That
folder is outdated at best. That's at the top of my list to fix as soon as possible.