Hello. I have a Question about the Synthesis in Op...
# general
Hello. I have a Question about the Synthesis in OpenLane. My Design has 2 inputs clk1 and clk2 . When I did synthesis on OpenLane. Synthesis gets fails every time. But this design works properly after synthesis using Cadence Genus. I have tried 2 possibilities in config file the screenshots are attached below. Anyone knows How to do synthesis using 2 input clocks in Openlane. This is my first post/message so errors may be expected.
how does it fail?
I am attaching the log files. What is the correct way to define 2 clocks in the config file?
I just see "Source not found." which doesn't sounds like has anything to do with clocks
meaning? No, the Synthesis every time Gives new errors. I do not understand why . One more thing, How I Should define 2 clocks of different frequencies, will you please write the correct formate of command I want to double sure about it.
How to solve source not found problem. I have synthesized another module and it was synthesizable 100 %
@M_Naveed_Abbasi Can you share source RTL/config.json/constraint.sdc
The config file is attached
Its killed due to memory issue.
Copy code
[ERROR]: during executing: "yosys -c /openlane/scripts/synth.tcl -l /openlane/designs/wrapper_top/runs/Synth_3/logs/synthesis/1-yosys.log |& tee >&@stdout"
[ERROR]: Exit code: 1
[ERROR]: Last 10 lines:
child killed: kill signal
Increase your swap memory and run the flow again
Swap memory means?
How can I increse ?
Hi thanks for this slack. The issue is with the RAM I am not 100 % sure yet, But most like RAM issues. I need (width = 64 and Depth = 256 ) which is equal to 2KB memory size (I guess). I need four of them in my whole design. I am using window 10 as an OS, and Installed VM to use Openlane. I have 4 GB of RAM in total Installed in my Laptop and I have provided 2 GB RAM to openlane. I tried to use the max swap memory but I can go up to 16GB maximum in Windows 10. Synthesis got failed. (even for smaller memory size of width = 8 and Depth = 8 ) I am only synthesizing the memory module.
Do i need to increase the memory swap in VM ubuntu too?
I am synthesizing this module separately and the synthesis flow gets failed every time. Whats wrong with this module. kindly review this.
Error is
Your block is too small to fit the pins around the edge
into pre-built OpenRAM sram macro
or generate own from https://github.com/VLSIDA/OpenRAM here
Thanks for the Help. I was able to synthesize the memory module, by increasing the SWAP memory in VM. its looks like I need more RAM resources for my laptop. now after interfacing memory modules with my design, I am getting the same errors. Now I am going to do synthesis on another PC having higher resources. I need to arrange it. Will update you soon. Thanks again!