I also started playing around with xschem yesterda...
# general
I also started playing around with xschem yesterday. Looks good and feels much more "normal" than kicad for someone used to the IC industry tools. So that's another one worth mentioning if people are trying to figure out what they want to use for schematic
@yrrapt - I've been playing with xschem myself and it seems a very promising tool. I'm struggling with the spice netlist generation in batch mode (to be able to generate a new netlist from a Makefile for example). Have you been able to do that ?
I've been able to generate and simulate with ngspice and Xyce using with some spice models I've got from another process. That was just pressing the "netlist", "simulate" and "waves" buttons. I haven't tried to do anything with a Makefile yet
ok - thank you - I have send a mail the the author to ask him how to do it
Got very detailled answers from the author (and a fix already !) . I wil have to check that tomorrow. According to him, xschem and xcircuit are the only ones capable to handle very large circuits. That's something I didn't consider in my trials but that's certainly a very good criteria