<@U018FKNQGMR>: I worked on Neuromorphic VLSI my ...
# general
@User: I worked on Neuromorphic VLSI my entire graduate career, mostly at Johns Hopkins with Andreas Andreou and Gert Cauwenberghs, and attended the Telluride workshops on neuromorphic VLSI back in the mid-1990s. I would love to collaborate on this but have zero time to do so. I can, however, connect you with any number of people in the field, especially ex-students of Andreas Andreou and Carver Mead who are now teaching in universities all around the world. Chances are that your contacts are much more up-to-date and relevant than mine, though.
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Thanks @Tim Edwards ! Wow that's amazing!!! I have only read about them. Specially Carver Mead! I read about him and Misha Mahowald in the book "Silicon Retina" . I am familiar their papers and books too. You attended worked on the neuromorphic VLSI when I was a baby literally! I will be grateful if you connect me to few of the professors you mentioned. I don't have the plans solid, yet need to learn few topics yet but I will great to design a neuromorphic chip open PDK and designs open to all and if possibly fabricate with efabless as one of the forty chips. But that's far down the road. But It will be great if you introduce me to anyone interested or working on Neuromorphic VLSI. :)
@Minhaz Abedin: Carver Mead did sit in on one of my talks when I was a grad student. . . that made me really nervous, although he smiled and nodded through it. But mostly I know his students, like Tobi Delbrück, Shi-Chii Liu, Brad Minch, Chris Diorio, etc. Their interests are widespread, so anything you can tell me that would help narrow down the topics. It's a good reminder to me, too, to invite some of these people to this slack workspace, since most (all?) of them are still fond of the days when it was easy to get chips done cheaply, and all the tools were open source. . .
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@Tim Edwards WOW that's an honor to have Carver Mead as an audience in your presentation. That's amazing. As a graduate student I can feel the pressure. If it was me, I would be like - do I even know anything to present my research to Carver Mead! That's amazing! I will go through the profiles of his students and will update you on narrowed down topics! I agree. Fabrication became so expensive and out of hand for most of the academics. Its sad.