Hey folks. Julia Computing is looking for an Elect...
# general
Hey folks. Julia Computing is looking for an Electronics Simulation Engineering to develop some advanced simulation tools. They specifically mention the Sky130 process. As a long time Julia user, I can say they are a great team to work with. It sounds like you would also get to work with all the top-notch scientific computing and FOSS EDA toolkits the open source community has been creating. https://juliacomputing.com/jobs/
Oh hey, that's my team. I recently managed to get this project funded, so we're literally just about to kick it off. Do let me know if you have any questions.
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What's the primary focus/deliverable?
Honestly TBD still. We have the core simulation platform and some very fancy machine learning things to make it faster, as well as an initial user who has a large RF circuit that needs simulation for which traditional tools fall over. So we have a fairly well defined first couple steps (hook up a SPICE frontend to our simulation engine, make it work well on our benchmark problems), but part of this role will be to figure for which problems having some modern simulation tooling would be most useful.
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