<@U0174MP1W6Q> that's a bummer. Registration is c...
# general
@User that's a bummer. Registration is closed now (it's still the 20th here) and I was never able to sign up as your payment system didn't work. I have exchanged many messages with your support and was waiting for a reply
You are already registered. Your name is in the login list. Just FYI - We are following IST. We have mentioned in FAQ. We will update website also
I have the same issue. I tried several times for the payment. But it doesn’t work.
My bad, wrong choice of words. Will update the website to display IST time-zone for next round of workshops
Thanks @Kunal While what I wrote was true at the time, I was granted a new try and I succeeded with a 3rd credit card.
I see. I think you were trying since morning IST. So apologize for the inconvenience
Some clarifications: I had first attempted more than 24 hours before the deadline and there's nothing wrong with my cards or credit, but your site was very picky and literally failed in ways you hadn't seen before. I had to borrow my wife's card. It's very usual for my cards to be rejected and I would encourage you to fix this for the future lest you lose other potential participants.
Yes We have intimated your issue to gateway team. So by next time, this should not be an issue