Keep a note of all VLSI learning options available...
# general
Keep a note of all VLSI learning options available by VSD Not sure if everyone knew about our other free and low cost learning options. The FREE and Udemy ones are also so well documented, that we have seen many candidates using them for job interviews few years back. Now you have all resources which will help you to chose VLSI hardware career over software jobs 🙂 Free, self learning - Pick one project and perform all steps given in GitHub under below link Udemy (less paid) is theory+labs, which you need to do with self-learn. Order in which you need to take the courses is given in below link under my bio There are workshops (mid-range fees), which you quickly ramp up with labs which currently are being used in industry, but with opensource There is hardware design program (expensive) which is lab intensive, mentor based, 10-weeks, which can improve your chances of placement and jobs in top design and service companies Now depending upon your budget and how fast you want to ramp up in semiconductor, you can choose and go for it. Also, before choosing any option, check equivalent course market price and compare
Especially, the SKY130 based IP lab reports under IP link and SKY130 Udemy Courses are really a good option for anyone looking forward to tapeout in next shuttle Every step to design and tapeout from Spec to GDS is explained in detail, for both analog and digital Explore and enjoy - All the best