Curious where do you folks get started with new PD...
# general
Curious where do you folks get started with new PDKs? Do you design some basic circuits and try out new models? Do you read the process manual for tips? or starting with limiting factors like DRC?
Is the PDK for a new technology or for one which exists?
@Zeyi Wang Depending on what you are planning to do. For Digital, I would start with Standard Cells documentation. If Analog, I would start with devices and see which flavor's exists.
@Andrew Wright any PDK that you first time see it.
@Amro Tork doing analog, both design and layout
I would start with devices and pcells. DRC is the last thing, I check.
When I finish my design.
that's how I go about it.
Zeyi, As a user of a fab pdk I'd start with the list of elements present and absent. Does it contain everything I was expecting. Is there documentation and can I find that. Then dig into the things I'm most interested in.